CNC Machine Centres
Conventional Machines
3 Milling machines with readouts
2 radial arm Drill press up to 6′
2 fully automatic surface grinders 24′” x 48″
2 manual surface grinders
horizontal and vertical saws
1 manual 5’Lathe
2 90 degree upcut saws for Re-Cut Aluminum Extrusion
2 double Mitre head re-cut Saws for Aluminum Extrusion
Lifting Capabilities
4 overhead cranes up to 10 tons
2 forklifts up to 15,000 lbs
Punch Press
4 Punch Presses up to 300tons
For Tryout and Production
(Max Bead Size 48 x 108”)
8’ & 12’ Brake Press up to 90 Tons
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